Often, I find it so hard to balance all the moving parts of my life. Some days it's harder than others. This week I've had several evening commitments, which is very unusual. I rarely make plans that take place before the kids go to bed. If I do, they are generally with me. The one exception is my monthly Book Club. Even then, I get there a little late so I don't miss much of the kids' evening. Monday, I got to work to find out we had a business dinner that evening. No time to go home between work and dinner. Fillip had no issue, but I felt so bad not seeing them! It's rare, so not a big deal, and overall I had a great time at one of the best restaurants in Los Angeles. Tuesday, I had Book Club, so I spent time with the kids and got there really late. Didn't help that Logan had lost a sneaker so I had to stop at Target to get a new pair. (Despite thorough searching by both of us, that sneaker was nowhere to be found yesterday morning.Of course, it just turned up tonight!)
Although work isn't busy right now, I had several slightly stressful moments. One was having my car stall out on a very busy boulevard. It started right up, but I need to get it checked. It didn't want to start when I left work and felt like it was running pretty rough all the way home. Then, the zipper to my purse broke. Given that the lining is already ripped, it's time to let it go. Yes, I realize that is trivial, but it did not help my day!
Tonight, I had another business dinner, although this one was just our department as a farewell dinner for the summer intern. Not crucial, but I do think it helps to spend time with each other to keep a repoire going. I told them I'd be late, but that I'd be there. I left work a little early so I could spend time with the kids. Because my car wasn't running well, I stopped home to get a different one. When I got to the preschool, Hayden's teacher said he was really tired and not playing. Within 10 minutes he had spiked a fever of 103. Although I always feel bad when they get sick, I felt especially bad that he would be missing his very last day with his friends at that school. However, there wasn't much I could do about that. We spent some extra time there and headed home. I spoke with my boss to say I wouldn't make it to dinner.
When we got home, Hayden went to lie down, and Fillip and I went in search of a thermometer. The ones we have are still in boxes in the garage. While we were searching, we heard a blood curdling scream from Logan. He had done a faceplant in the driveway from his little truck. There was lots of blood. I scooped him up and brought him in for cleanup. Fortunately, he had only a little scraping around his mouth. The blood was from his tongue, which he bit....again. That little guy is going to have the funkiest looking tongue around! It stopped bleeding shortly, and didn't seem to bother him too much.
At this point I told Fillip I was going out for a thermometer and some Motrin for Hayden, who was still feverish on his bed. When I got back, they were eating pizza. Hayden devoured a huge dinner, especially for him. Logan too, letting me know his tongue is fine. However, Logan must have been exhausted. He completely melted down, throwing a classic toddler tantrum. I finally had a sandwich after 8:30pm once they went to bed. I only had to get up once to tend to them, then all was quiet.
Some days leave me completely wrung out.